Are you looking for help with Fraud charges?

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Why work with Monika Starova on Fraud charges?

We have helped past clients to successfully:

Stay out of jail

Protect their job

Maintain the ability to drive or keep a license

Maintain the ability to travel



Monika Starova

An experienced professional dealing with Fraud cases


Section 380(1) of the Criminal Code (CC)

Pursuant to this section, everyone who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means. Whether or not it is a false pretense, defrauds the public or any person. Any property, money or valuable security or any service will be found guilty of fraud.

Penalties for conviction of fraud:

  • If the value of the subject-matter (amount defrauded) does not exceed $5000.00 then the maximum prison sentence is (2) two years.
  • If the value exceeds $5000.00, the maximum prison sentence is fourteen (14) years.
  • Restitution
  • Probation
  • A criminal record for life
  • Depending on the circumstances and the victims that have been defrauded, aggressive and excessive penalties may apply.

Contact us today to book a consultation.

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